Hi, I’m Kimberly Giambrone (Speckman) —
I moved to Austin, Texas in July 2015 - with my then-boyfriend (now husband, Kyle) - to start the grandest adventure life had shown me yet. We moved to Texas without jobs, and just shy of a year of dating each other. Shortly after settling into our first apartment, we adopted our dog, Whistler, from the Weimaraner Rescue of Texas, and he’s kept us on our toes ever since.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Advertising from the University of Florida (Go Gators!). I’ve held all sorts of roles in marketing and advertising over the years. Currently, by day, I work as a Sr. Creative Project Manager. To feed my imaginative spirit, I started this blog in 2016 (formerly as the KINI). Kyle & I got married and built our first home in 2019. I hope to encourage a community of gratitude and creativity through sharing my passions in life — some of which include, food, travel, fashion, plants and speaking openly about life’s ups and downs. Thank you for being here.
“here’s to coming alive right here, where you are”
Where did you grow up? A tiny town called Trenton, Florida just outside of Gainesville.
What is your favorite pastime? Passively, listening to true crime podcasts. Actively, attempting to get better at golf.
What countries have you been to? England, Mexico, India and Italy
What do you prefer to be called? Kimberly (not Kim)
What is your favorite beverage? Coffee (or wine)
What book are you currently reading? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2nd time)
What’s your dream job? I’ve always wanted to be a QVC host since I was a small kid. :]
Bucket list travel spot? Japan